June 4, 2024

Gartner Speaker Insights: Embracing Multi-Value Strategies and Antifragility in Supply Chains

Gartner Speaker Insights: Embracing Multi-Value Strategies and Antifragility in Supply Chains The 2024 Gartner Supply Chain Symposium provided deep insights into the


Gartner Speaker Insights:

Embracing Multi-Value Strategies and Antifragility in Supply Chains

The 2024 Gartner Supply Chain Symposium provided deep insights into the evolving challenges and opportunities within supply chain management. This session shed light on the critical need to view supply chains not just as cost centers but as pivotal drivers of strategic value. Here are some of our key takeaways from the session.

The Misconception of Supply Chains as Cost Centers

Many organizations still primarily perceive supply chains as cost centers, a viewpoint that is increasingly outdated and counterproductive, given that supply chains have proven their strategic value, especially during times of crisis. In recent times, supply chains have stepped up to deliver crucial value, demonstrating their indispensable role in business operations.

The Current State of Supply Chains

Post-crisis, supply chains find themselves in a state of heightened workload, ever-changing priorities, and increased fatigue among teams. This situation often leads to a sense of disconnection from the rest of the business and difficulty in setting strategic priorities. This leads to the risk of supply chains becoming trapped in a state of drift, with pressure to deliver quick wins and react to the priorities of other business functions without a clear, strategic direction.

Embracing the State of Drive

To avoid the pitfalls of drift, supply chains should aim to move into a state called "drive." This state implies control, decisiveness, and forward-looking strategies that maximize the value supply chains can add to the business. Achieving this requires focusing on four high-reward areas:

  1. Multi-Value Contributions: Investing smartly to create maximum impact.
  1. Creating Opportunity from Uncertainty: Leveraging uncertain times to find new opportunities.
  1. Design Simplicity: Using a user-based approach to transformation.
  1. Artificial Intelligence: Partnering humans with AI to generate value.

Strategic Recommendations for Supply Chain Leaders

  1. Focus on Multi-Value Contributions: Supply chains must move beyond a singular focus on cost reduction. By delivering improved customer experiences, increased sustainability, reduced risk, and profitable growth, supply chains can create multi-faceted value for their organizations. This multi-value mindset is crucial for driving strategic impact.
  2. Enable Your Yes with a Multi-Role Organization: Building a multi-role supply chain organization involves moving beyond the binary choice of centralization versus decentralization. Instead, organizations should balance the benefits of standardized operations with the need for differentiation to meet specific business needs. This approach allows supply chains to deliver multiple forms of value effectively.
  3. Implement Multi-Value Plays: Initiatives that produce multiple forms of value are essential. Examples include Target repurposing stores to distribution centers, Diageo using drones for agricultural efficiency, and Mayo Clinic integrating supply chain management with patient services. These multi-value plays illustrate how a single initiative can deliver diverse benefits, such as cost savings, improved efficiency, and enhanced customer service.
  4. Develop Antifragility: Moving beyond resilience, supply chains should aim for antifragility, where disruptions are turned into opportunities for value creation. This involves building capabilities to shift production, diversify skills, and make dynamic decisions in response to disruptions. Companies like Komo Tech and JD.com have successfully adopted antifragility, demonstrating its potential for driving growth even in uncertain times.


It is critically important to evolve supply chain strategies to meet the demands of a complex and uncertain world. By focusing on multi-value contributions, enabling multi-role organizations, implementing multi-value plays, and developing antifragility, supply chain leaders can transform their operations from reactive to proactive, strategic assets.

This forward-thinking approach will not only enhance the strategic value of supply chains but also position organizations to thrive amidst ongoing and future disruptions. As supply chain professionals, embracing these strategies will unlock new opportunities and drive significant value for your organizations.

About TADA

TADA is a Supply Chain Ultimate Command & Control platform that enables businesses to navigate the complexities of their operations and deliver real improvements to cost, cash, carbon, and revenue.  Powered by its proprietary, AI-enabled Digital Twin technology, TADA’s solutions offer the best time-to-value in the industry, providing real-time visibility, multi-enterprise collaboration and orchestration, actionable insights, and scenario planning capabilities that empower businesses to act with clarity, optimize operations, and better serve the world's needs. For more information, visit: [https://www.tadanow.com/]