DC360 B2B Manufacturing Report for 2022

Everything Supply Chain Leaders should know about Digital Twin Enabled Control Towers.

“Next Generation Control Towers will be based on the Digital Twin of the Organization (DTO). At the later stages of a digital supply chain journey, a company will want to converge end-to-end decision making with end-to-end supply chain visibility. This will result in the coalescence of its digital supply chain twin initiative with its control tower initiatives. At this stage of maturity, there will no longer be a separation between the digital supply chain and the end-to-end control tower — just the digital supply chain twin.” -Gartner

This Report covers the following:

  • Current state of B2B Manufacturing
  • Why Manufacturing needs to move from Spreadsheets to Digitization
  • Challenges faced in Digital Transformation
  • Strategies, Best practices and Technologies

Download your copy of the B2B Manufacturing report.


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